Tackling Email Impersonation & Spoofing

We know email security is no joke, so we’ve made it easier for you. Our simple but powerful email spoofing tool screens emails, adds verification and blocks any unauthorised attempts.

The Problem

Chances are, you’ve been a target of email spoofing attacks at least once in your life. An estimated 3.4 billion emails a day are sent by cybercriminals, designed to look like they have come from a trusted sender. Moreover, email spoofing targets everyone, from an individual to a huge enterprise.

How can this happen? Email spoofing takes advantage of the fact that email, in many ways, is not that different from regular mail. Unless your business has DMARC – an email authentication protocol that protects your domain from unauthorised use – the attacker can tamper with emails to disguise themselves as legitimate senders.

The result? Your company’s reputation takes a hit, and, even worse, your employees unwittingly expose sensitive information, leading to legal, compliance, and business continuity problems.

Worried about email fraud?
Don’t wait until it’s too late! Test your domain security with our free spoofing test tool – just enter your email address below to see how well-protected it is against email spoofing and impersonation. You can also read more about DMARC and email impersonation here.

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email checker
tools now!

Email spoofing is the most significant email security threat we face today. Our widget allows you to quickly assess your domain’s security and highlight if you are at risk.

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Common Impersonation Tactics:

  • Domain spoofing: An attacker will attempt to imitate the sending server or sending domain.
  • Display name spoofing: An attacker will forge email headers so the client software shows the fraudulent sender (in the ‘From:’ field of an email).
  • Lookalike domains. An attacker registers a similar domain, making it seem as though an email has come
    from a trusted source.
  • Compromised email account attacks: An attacker will take control of genuine accounts by adversaries and then proceed with further schemes internally or externally

Our Solution:
Implement DMARC Authentication

Knowing how to stop email spoofing can be tricky, especially with
impersonation techniques becoming more sophisticated than ever.

  • Are you following the best email practices to ensure inbox delivery?
  • Are you aware of every source of email for your domain?
  • Are scammers trying to spoof your email for their fraudulent activities?

By implementing DMARC, you’ll get answers to all of these questions. In fact, DMARC gives you complete control over email delivery for your business domain and allows you to build a detailed inventory of all your email senders, both legitimate and malicious.

Likewise, DMARC also protects your message headers from being stolen. That’s because any email must align with SPF and DKIM frameworks before it is visible to the recipient.

In simple terms, DMARC is a line of code that goes into your DNS TXT record. But it is so much more than code. It’s a process that involves many steps and occurs before, during, and after implementation to ensure your email infrastructure works without any hiccups.

Setting up DMARC can seem confusing, but that’s where our team at Ingenious comes in. We’ll ensure that only your legitimate messages reach recipient inboxes and that your deliverability rate stays high.

A Summary of the Benefits of DMARC:

Brand Protection: You no longer need to worry about spoofed messages that might damage your company’s reputation

Better Visibility: Any messages sent using your domain will be checked to ensure they are authenticated with SPF and/or DKIM

Security: DMARC will effectively block any phishing attacks that use your exact domain

Improved Email Delivery Rates: Using DMARC usually leads to a significant increase in deliverability for marketing emails

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